Saturday, January 23, 2010

Will Singing!

Will really likes to sing and his new thing is to use different items for a microphone. I am not sure where he picked that one up but it is pretty funny. Last week when I picked him up from daycare he was using a stack of lego blocks. Today, he grabbed the broom! The best part is that he doesn't really sing in English...pretty much only in Will's language = )

Brian got a video of the broom today to share. At the end, is when he sings into it. He was doing that for a while and then decided he needed to share the mic with others. Sorry that it is sideways...I can't figure out how to turn it around and super sorry for my singing in the beginning. I didn't realize Brian was taping otherwise I would have stopped = )

Friday, January 22, 2010

Daddy's Bike

Will really, really likes Brian's motorcycle. Today we got home from daycare and he ran right to the door going out to the garage and said "daddy's bike!" He cried and cried when I told him that he couldn't ride until dad got home. So later Brian let him play and wear his helmet around the house. Will started saying "daddy's hat" but then decided that it was Will's hat! Here is a picture to share.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A little of this, a little of that...

The weekend went way to fast as usual and it was difficult for the three of us to get up this morning. Will didn't want to let daddy go once he got to daycare but the sitter said that he calmed down just in time to eat breakfast! These long days are hard for Will and me but we will keep going and hope that the next 11 weeks goes quickly.

Backing up a little....Sunday, I went shopping with a friend and got some great deals. I got 4 shirts and a bag for less than $10 at Old Navy. Yay! Brook also had a 30% off coupon for Kohls and I had money left on my christmas gift card so I got us a new shower curtain and bathroom rugs. I then decided to paint our bathroom on Sunday night at 8pm! And yes mom you were right, there was a lot of trim!! I finished this project up on Monday morning. I will post some pictures once I get all the accessories in for the full effect! Will and daddy hung out watching football while I was doing all of this = )

Last night Brian helped Melvins put in a new shower door, so Will, Brook and I played and hung out. This is where the new game "Where's EE?" (monkey and not sure if that is how you write it!) started. Will hides EE and then pretends to look all over for him while saying "are you EE?" (where are you EE?) He of course knows exactly where the monkey is but looks under tables, behind the couch, etc. Its pretty cute and he stays with it for a while. We played again tonight. Oh, and Will played with the dog while we were eating supper tonight. He kept saying dog and looking behind him and to the side when he knew the dog was right in front of him. Silly kid!

Brian had a big day today as well. He testifyed for the homicide case he worked back in October. He prepared all weekend for it and it sounds as though it paid off. Way to go B!

And to finish up, of course there is a need for Will pictures. (I like this blogging because I get lots of pictures of Will doing fun things!)

A little light OT reading anyone?! Will loves to read my OT books!

Playing with Mr. Potatoe heads

Brian went to the garage to get dog food and Will snuck by him and climbed right up on "daddy's bike"! Will really likes daddy's bike!!

And here is Will after we told him we were done riding daddy's bike.

Hope everyone has a great week and that the weekend comes quickly!! = )

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Wii Fit Anyone...

Will and I were playing Wii this morning. It is super cute to watch him so I thought I would share. He likes the ski jump game, where you squat down and then extend your knees with your hands in the air. Will copies me and the person on tv. You have to stand on the wii fit board and I gave Will the box to stand on and a fake control so he really thinks he is doing it. Too cute!! Here are some pictures to share.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Busy Week

The past week was pretty busy....well actually it wasn't that busy but it felt like it. I started my fieldwork on Monday and have worked 40 hours this week! I haven't done that in two years so it has been exhausting = ) My fieldwork is going great. I am at a children's learning center, playing with kids all day! It is fun and I hope to learn a lot from it! It has been a hard transition for all of us. Will has been a trooper but he does get pretty sad in the mornings when Brian drops him off at daycare. He isn't used to waking up early and spending all day at daycare (I am not either!) but hopefully it will become a routine for him and will all work out. And it is only until April, so we can get through it.

In evenings, we don't have a lot of time for much but we do get some play in. Will was super cute playing with his tools and toy car last night. He was fixing it!

Will has also been singing a lot more songs. The Itsy Bitsy Spider is one of his favorites. He sings a lot of the words and does the actions. I am working on getting a video of it but of course when I try he is more concerned about the camera and no longer wants to sing. I will keep trying cause it is super cute to hear and see. Will has also been working on his ABCs and I was informed today by the sitter that he will say and sign the letters q,r,s,and t! Now I just need to learn the signs the letters so that we can work on it at home too. Oh, side note, I will be working in a deaf/hard of hearing classroom 2 days a week, so hopefully I will learn a lot more signs myself!!

Other than that we are still working on potty training. Will has shyed away from peeing in the potty but still sits on it with no complaints. I am going to introduce gummy bears this weekend and see if that makes a difference. Our sitter is great and works with him throughout the day so hopefully it will happen in the near future.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Fun in the Snow

It was a little warmer the we went outside to play. We were only out there for about 20 minutes and Will loved every minute of it. He was crying when it was time to come in.

Will is just like his all of the snow off of his fort!

This was the only snow drift we have in the backyard. Will loved "sliding" down it though!

After all that playing and because he refused to take a nap today, Will was a sleepy boy during supper tonight.

Off to bed early tonight because back to reality tomorrow with getting up early. No more sleeping in!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Trying to stay at it....

Friday was another snow day, which meant Will and I were staying home yet another day. We continued to work on potty training. He sat on the big potty several times throughout the day but again didn't actually do anything. I was becoming pretty defeated but was not ready to give up yet. Today I sat him on the potty for a few minutes and asked him to get up (since his pull-up was wet I assumed he didn't actually have to go) and he said "no!". So I left to start lunch and returned after a few minutes. Will got up and said "done" and he actually peed in the potty!! YAY! Maybe that is the trick...give him some privacy for a few minutes! We'll keep working on it.

Last night we were excited to get out of the house and go to supper with friends at Texas Roadhouse. We haven't been there in years and haven't actually eaten out in a long time, so it was great. It was also good to catch up with friends. Will and his friend, Maci sat in high chairs at the end of the table and they both were so good. It is really cute to see them interact with each other. Will was poking or tickling Maci and then would start cracking up laughing. Maci was playing right along and would laugh every time Will poked her. Very cute!!

Today was another lazy day. We all got a super long nap in this afternoon. Brian says his was only 10 minutes, but I am not sure that I believe that one = ) Then Brian decided it was time to clean. The last few weeks I have learned that I am good at being a stay at home mom but really bad at being a housewife. I hate cleaning!!! But I did pitch in a little and we at least got the living room cleaned. And I am sure Brian will make me do more tomorrow.

Here are a few pictures from yesterday and today. And a big thanks to Jodi, the blog queen, for giving me a 101 course on posting pictures! This is how Will was watching Sesame Street and he set it all up himself. Again....too cute!

This one is Will watching the football game tonight with Brian. I know there is a pattern with the thumb, monkey and blanket! We are just hoping he stops before he enters the third grade!!

Okay, here is my second post(yay me!). I am now going to enjoy a glass of wine while watching football with Brian. Hoping for another lazy day tomorrow and then back to reality on Monday. more snow!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Another Try...

So I have tried to do this blogging thing several times now and am going to give it one more try! I am not sure who will read it or if anyone would find it interesting but it seems to be a great way to document day to day happenings. So here it goes....

The weather is crazy outside and as a result Will and I have been in the house for the last 3 days! I was supposed to start my fieldwork on Monday but the school I'm going to has been closed this past week due to the snow and cold temperatures. And Will has stayed home with me so that neither one of us have to go out in this cold! Since we are staying put, I decided to try the whole potty training thing this week. Tuesday....Will sat on the potty chair 4 times with no complaints but didn't actually do anything. Wednesday....Will sat several times throughout the day and went pee 4 times...yay! Today...Will sat several times but peed zero. Guess we will continue to work on that a little more!

The rest of the day we played, read books, did flashcards, and colored! I also got some laundry done and got supper made...Tator Tot Casserole...yum! Brian worked hard all day and then came home and shoveled the snow! I am so proud that he shovels so that we can walk to our cars and get in and out of our driveways unlike our neighbors. However, I do find it humorous watching the crazy neighbor lady try several times to get in and out of her driveway....mean, I know but they really need to shovel their snow!! Anyways...Thanks Brian for all your hard work!

Okay so there is my first post. Like I said, don't know if it will be interesting but I think that it will be fun to read it down the road. Will is getting so big and amazes me several times throughout the day and it will be fun to document about him! Tonight, he was playing in his room and came out saying "chicken under" (in his talk of course) and pulled me into his room. Once in the room I learned that his stuffed toy chicken was under his bed! It was super cute and reminded me that he is growing so fast. I think it will be great to write/read about all the fun stuff he is doing! So....more to come! (hopefully)