Sunday, March 21, 2010

1st Annual Schnabel Nut Fry/Poker Night

Brian got some mountain oysters from his dad over Christmas and has been dying to have a nut fry. So he planned his first annual nut fry/poker night last night. Since it was the first day of spring, we were thinking it would be nice outside and we would grill and hang out outdoors....but it snowed!!! Brian wasn't going to let the weather get him down and said he was still grilling and frying up the mountain oysters. He did just that with the space heater in garage as the rest of us hung out indoors nice and cozy = ) Brian informed everyone they had to try an oyster before they could leave the house! Thank goodness I didnt have to go anywhere and I used the excuse that i tried one at Christmas! I was shocked that almost everyone liked them....they must not have realized what they were eating = )
After the fun of watching everyone eat the oysters, we started the poker game, which was a ton of fun. And even more fun because I actually won $100!! That never happens so I have to brag just a little!
As this was going on Will had fun playing with Maci. They had a dinner/movie date!! They sat at the picnic table with a lunchable, juice boxes and lots of laughs! Bedtime was extra special because they got to watch a movie in bed! How fun?! Will and Maci were both super excited and all the laughs they had makes me think they had a great time too!
As always here are some pictures to share from the night:

Before they were skinned and cut up

Brian getting them ready

Grilling and Frying in the snow!

Brook trying one

Shannon and Lauren trying them

Poker Fun

Will and Maci playing play dough and on their dinner date!

As always...a great time with great friends!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Happy Birthday William!

So our baby turned 2 today! Will woke up a little confused when mom and dad were saying Happy Birthday but he was excited all the same! Brian had to work this morning so Will and I just hung out until he got home. Will was surprised to get the balloons, toy trucks and M&Ms that Papa Jeff and Grandma Barb sent and was also really excited about the train coloring book and Elmo card from Aunt Jen! And all the calls were great too! Thanks everyone for remembering Will on his birthday. He is so loved and loves all of you!!
After naptime, we headed to Monkey Bizzness. They have playland type toys for climbing and going down slides and also big blow-up bouncy type stuff...sorry not the best description but I don't really know what it's all called but it was super fun!! It is made for parents too so I got to go in the blow-up toys and play with Will. The first time in he left me in the dust as I was slowly trying to crawl through the tunnels = ) It was a blast though! Afterwards we headed to Fritz's, which is a burger place where the food is delivered by trains that ride around tracks throughout the whole place. Will was so excited about this. He kept saying "here comes the red choo-choo" or "there is the yellow choo-choo" and then would laugh! Brian bought him a wooden train whistle and Will couldn't stop laughing about that either. Needless to say, there was a lot of hand flapping going on = )
Once we got home, Will opened a few gifts from us. He got a picnic table, play-dough, and a puzzle. I don't think that he has played with play-dough before so that was a lot of fun for him. We then sang "happy birthday" and had cake and ice cream. Will was so excited when we were singing and blew out his candle like a big boy! Oooohhhh what a day! I think Will had a great time and a great birthday! I want to cry about him growing up too fast but am so excited with all that he is doing.
Here are some pictures from our busy day:

I was Will's lucky day too...when we got to the mall for Monkey Bizzness they had a train display set up, so Will got to look at all the trains too...his favorite!

Happy Birthday Will....We love you lots!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Looking back

So our baby turns 2 tomorrow...where as the time gone?! Will is getting so big and growing so much. It is so much fun to see all the things he is learning and doing every day. And I know everyone thinks their child is the smartest kid in the world but I am pretty sure mine really is = ) He amazes us every day with the things he knows! I thought I would use this post to look back at a few pictures and videos of our baby...sorry...our toddler from the last two years.

Hope you enjoyed the look back as much as I did. Brian was making fun of me cause I always watch the videos but I love them! There is a baby one too but for whatever reason I cant get it to upload. I will post more pictures of the birthday boy tomorrow!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Busy, busy...

So I haven't been very good about posting. One nothing too exciting is going on and two I have been super tired and busy in the evenings and haven't had a chance to get on here. So I will do a quick recap of the last couple of days.

Saturday we went to Maci's 2nd birthday party! She turned 2 on the 3rd and had us all over to celebrate. Will had lots of fun playing with Maci and watching her open her cute presents. Here are a couple pictures of the goof balls hanging out:

Happy Birthday Maci!

Sunday was a busy day for us. We went to church in the morning...we haven't been in a while so I was a little nervous to see how Will would do but he did great. Of course, I had a goody bag packed with lots of snacks and things to do so that helped! After church, we went to lunch and got some groceries.

The weather was beautiful which helped to motivate us, so Brian and I cleaned the house while Will napped and then we went outside to clean up the yard. Will must have been super tired because he took a 3 hour nap!! We got a lot done inside and out while he was sleeping. Once he woke up we headed over to the Melvin's to grill out. The weather was fantastic! I can't wait until it is warm every day for grilling and playing outside. A few pictures from the Melvin's:

Monday was back to work....Tuesday and Wednesday the same. Just hanging out in the evenings and getting a few things done. Nothing too exciting to share. Just need to finish two more work days and then hopefully a nice relaxing weekend again. Hope everyone is having a great week!