Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day out with Thomas!

Today we went to see Thomas the Train! Brian had to work so Will and I went with Katie and Maci and had so much fun. We were a little nervous that it was going to rain the whole morning but thankfully it stopped raining just as we were pulling into town. Unfortunately, all of the rain made for a very muddy mess and we didn't get to do all the activities they had to offer but the kids still had a ton of fun.
To explain the event....the old railroad station in Baldwin City hosted Thomas the train. We got to ride on a real train that had a Thomas for the engine. Will was so excited to get to ride the train! There was also fun activities for the kids...they had a fire truck, bouncy house, tattoos, magician, petting zoo and more.

Train tattoo on his arm

Bouncy house fun....they were so wet when they got done in here and on the slide!

Maci driving the fire truck while Will was hanging out in the back.

Petting Zoo...they had some pretty neat animals. A monkey, camel, goats and kangroo with a baby in its pouch.

Eating snow cones while waiting to board the train.

Thomas the Train!

We sat in the open car in the back.

Will was just staring at the tracks while the train was moving.

We were all exhausted when we were done. We ate lunch in the car and headed home. Once we got home, Will took a 2 hour nap! All in all it was a great morning and we had lots of fun!!

Okay...more pictures. I had to work the last couple of evenings so didn't have a chance to upload these. Brian had an appreciation day at work so Will and I went and had lunch with him. There was a fire truck and of course, Will loved it! I am pretty sure he is going to be a fireman...again, dont tell his dad = )

KC Wolf was also there. Will really like him from a distance but not close up! He would wave and say hi and was very concerned when he couldn't find him but then would cry and run away when he got close. It was pretty cute = )

Monday, June 7, 2010

Fun in the sun!

Yesterday we got out the slip-n-slide that Will got for his birthday and had lots of fun with it. I am pretty sure Brian and I had more fun than Will though! Will didn't really understand the idea of sliding and was just excited to run down it. The pictures where it looks like Will was sliding...Brian and I were actually pushing him down the slide = ) (he didn't like that too much though)

Tonight Will and I spent time playing outside while Brian was mowing. We did lots of bubbles, sidewalk chalk, and swinging. After Brian got done, we played catch with the softball for a little bit. Will was cheering us on and saying "good job" every time we would catch the ball! Will then got his glove out and was attempting to play with us, which was pretty cute. Brian taught him how to "put his glove down" so that he could catch a grounder. Will then instructed Brian to do the same and when the ball that he threw didn't quite make it to Brian's glove, Will said "try again, Daddy!" Oh Will...he is getting so big and it's lookin like he is going to be our little baseball star! = ) Sorry no pictures from softball...maybe next time.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Catching up...

So I realize that I am way behind on my this is a quick recap and pictures to let you know what has been going on with us.

A couple weeks ago, Will and I headed back to Iowa for Ella's soccer game and dance recital. I can't believe how fast she is growing up and it was great to see her play and dance. Will loved playing with his cousins all weekend and still talks about Ella the purple clown and how she dances in her costume! Will actually loves to go to sleep holding the picture of Ella = )
Will and Kade kicking the ball around at soccer practice.

Will, Claire, and Kade playing "ring around the rosy"

Will, Kade, Claire, and Libby posing with the soccer balls...funny thing was Claire organized this and told everyone how to pose = )

Ella playing soccer

Ella the purple clown!

The next weekend...I worked the overnights and Brian and Will just hung out most of the weekend. On Sunday night, Will played outside with his water table and squirt guns.
He would "sneak" up behind the dog and squirt him and then laugh and laugh!

This was also the night of the bad boo-boo! Will backed into the grill while it was hot and got a burn on his shoulder. It is healing nicely but I sure it was pretty painful! Will just kept saying "boo-boo hot". He now says grill hot!

Random night playing outside with remote control cars, bubbles and sidewalk chalk!

This past weekend Brian's dad came down and they tore out the old concrete in back of our house and the sidewalk in front and built a deck. It turned out great and we are so excited to spend nights just hanging out on it!

Will got to swim in his pool because it was super hot out and we had friends over to grill on Sunday night, so Will and Maci did lots more swimming.

First s'mores of the year!

Our Memorial day was relaxing, however Will was sick! He woke up and threw up in his bed and then on the floor and then on the me and then on the couch!! Plus he had a fever most of the day...poor guy!! In the afternoon, he took a 3 1/2 hour nap and was acting a little better so we played outside some. He didn't eat much all day though and was pretty cuddly so we called it an early night. Will woke up in a great mood today though and ate a big breakfast and lunch, so hopefully he is better!!
Brian got new socks and Will thought it would be fun to play with them = )

If you look close on his right shoulder, you can see the burn...

Today I was off so Will and I went to Crown Center to see Clifford the big red dog! Will loved running around with all the kids and playing with the stuff. Afterwards, we headed to Fritz's (the train place) for lunch. Again, WIll was in heaven. He was so excited about all the trains! And now...he is sleeping = )

After I posted these pictures...I realized I never actually got a picture of Clifford...oops!

So like I said a quick recap of the last couple of weeks. I started my summer job and have been keeping busy with that. Brian keeps busy with work as well and continues to work Saturdays off duty. We are hoping to get in a lot of camping this summer, bike rides, trips back home and a few baseball hopefully I will have more fun stuff to post throughout the summer!