Sunday, April 24, 2011

Picture Update

Sorry I am behind on the blog. We have been super busy and crazy around our house. Most days I wish that life would slow down so that I could catch up some. Here are a few pictures from the last week or so:

Playing with cars in the toy room

Will has been practicing writing his name. Last week he said he wanted to do it all by himself on the white board. I came back into the living room and this is what I found....great job! (I think)

Homemade shakes after supper

A typical Friday night grilling with Daddy!!

Okay sorry not so much writing but I know most are only interested in the pictures anyways = )

Friday, April 22, 2011


Last week I headed to Philadelphia with some classmates for the annual AOTA conference. A friend and I presented a poster about our fieldwork experience at the KU Cancer Center. It was a great time....lots of learning, eating, drinks, and fun = ) I was sad to leave Will for four days but he had a great time with Daddy. Will and Daddy came to pick me up at the airport with flowers and a balloon = ) I was so excited to see them both. Here are some pictures from Philly...sorry no pictures of Will in this post.

This is the poster that we created and talked about at conference.

Walking around Philly trying to decide where to eat dinner

A little sightseeing on Saturday. Of course it was raining and yucky on the day we wanted to walk around.

Liberty Bell! Will saw this picture and said "wow, that's cool!" Guess I may have to take him there someday to see it in person = )

Cold and tired after a long trip....ready to head back to Kansas and see my boys!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Enjoying the Weather

Today has been another beautiful day so we decided to get out and enjoy it a bit. We took Will to the park to practice riding his new bike. He doesn't have the hang of it yet but we will keep practicing. It appears to be a lot of work to pedal and steer while trying to make sure the alligators from the lake don't get you! = ) Maybe next time we practice we won't go by the lake...too distracting for Will.

After practicing on the new bike, we went for a walk/hike through the wooded area. Will did great most of the way but got tired so we took turns carrying him. It was a fun walk though and great exercise with a beautiful view. I can't wait for more beautiful days!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Life after PGA

Sorry I have been slacking on the blog again but I have a good excuse this time...the PGA, which is the oral professional growth assessment exam. It was this past Wednesday and I spent majority of the week and a half before that studying for it (and stressing about it) but it all paid off and I passed! So now I just need to finish up a few more things and some presentations and I can graduate!!
Here are a few random pictures from the last couple of weeks. We have been busy enjoying the beautiful weather, playing volleyball, playing inside and out, and Will and I had a movie date on Friday afternoon. Today, we again enjoyed the beautiful weather with a walk to the library and park followed by lunch and an ice cream cone. Tonight Brian grilled and we enjoyed some time by the fire.
The tree in our backyard that blooms for about a beautiful while it is blooming!

Will posing by the tree

Will taking a picture of the tree = )

First fire of the year

First s'mores of the season...can't wait for many more!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend...also look below because I have updated some previous posts.