Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Today was a little crazy and unorganized but was fantastic! I worked the overnight last night, got home around 8:30 this morning and went right to bed. I asked Brian to wake me around 11 but apparently he didn't get the memo and I ended up sleeping until after 12. We were planning on going to the zoo but since I slept later and the weather wasn't too nice, we decided not to go. We then talked about going to Deanna Rose farm or Union Station but as we were driving and trying to decide where to go....we decided to go to a carnival that was close by. When we got to the carnival, we turned around and Will was sleeping! So we opted out of this option as well. After driving around a bit, we ended up at the mall and then decided to go to Monkey Bizzness!! This is turning into one of my new favorite places to go with Will = ) We then planned to go to Olive Garden for supper but when we got there it was really busy so we ended up at a new chinesse buffet in town, which was actually really good!! So like I said very unorganized and crazy....but it was a fantastic mother's day!!

To top it off Will and Brian got me a new flower paint, which Will painted. It is great. Will was really cute because he kept saying "made it, made it" when he was handing it to me. He was really proud of it! I will post a picture of it tomorrow after we put the plant in it. All in all it was a great Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day to all the great mothers out there and especially to you lots mom!!

Sorry there are no pictures from today but I do have some from last Thursday and Friday. I didn't have class or much going on and didn't want to stay at home, so Will and I went to a children's museum on Thursday and to Little Monkey Bizzness (smaller version of the other one) on Friday...I told you, it is my new favorite place and lots of fun!! The children's museum was an old school building and had different learning activities in each room, which was really fun too.
Doctor William!

Bottle feeding the cow

Planting vegetables at the farmer's market

This little girl took a liking to Will and was helping him work all the toys. Her mother said she is a "mother's hen" was cute!

Lego Land

Little Monkey Bizziness fun! I prefer the other one cause I get to play too but I think Will had fun anyways!

Taking a little break to read...

Playing dress-up. He ONLY wanted to wear the fire fighter costume...don't tell his dad!

Painting a picture...and working really hard at it!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

1st Dentist Appointment

Will had his first dentist appointment this morning! He didn't so much like the dentist or hygienist and their exams but the environment was fun. The waiting room had a little play area with fish painted on the walls with lots of toys and the movie Cars playing. Once he got to the dentist chair, there was a tv above him with Sesame Street on! Afterwards, he got a token which he used to get a new bouncy ball. Will then got to put his handprint on the wall with his name under it since it was his first visit. And as we were leaving he got a fresh homemade chocolate chip cookie! fun is that dentist?! And afterward we headed to the park to play! I made sure Will knew how much fun it was to go to the dentist so that in 6 months when we go back he doesn't cry and scream and have to be held down through the exam like this time = )
The dentist said Will's teeth look great! He still has 3 molars coming in but they are all poking through so within the next couple months they will be here. And good news is his bite isn't bad yet so we dont have to work on stopping Will from sucking his thumb YET. The dentist said when he was a little older, Will would understand the process and it would be easier!! So all in was a great first visit to the dentist.
Here are a couple pictures of Will in the waiting room. I wasn't able to get any pictures in the dentist room since I was too busy holding him down = ) Maybe next time!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Bike ride plus random pictures

This is a delayed post but I thought that I would share any ways since I have pictures to go along with it!

So every year Brian and I talk about getting bikes but we never do it until this year! I mentioned it one night and Brian got on his trusty craigslist and found us male and female mountain bikes and a baby carrier for pretty cheap so we decided to get them. Will can only gain 5 more pounds until he can no longer ride in the carrier but it is working now so that is all that matters.
Well I decided one day that I would get some good exercise and go for a ride just Will and I. I guess I am really out of shape and not used to riding a bike because I almost died doing it!! It didn't help that I had a 35lb child behind me either = ) The next night Brian took Will and I was on my own bike which was a little better but I am still out of shape! Anyways Will loves it!! He thinks it is so much fun to ride behind us and laughs the whole way.
Here are a couple of pictures of Will:

These are pictures taken before a wedding that we had last Saturday:

And Mr. William helping around the house = )

Sorry on the delayed posts....I am slacking on this blogging thing. I will try to get better at it! Hope all is well with everyone = )