Monday, February 21, 2011

Playing with trains

This is a late post but I realized that I never got around to posting these pictures from two weekends ago of Will playing with his train set. Enjoy!

Weekend update

This past weekend was nice and relaxing with great weather. Friday night friends came over to BBQ and play games. Will had fun playing with Maci while the adults chatted and played board games.
I put the their plates on the table and Will insisted on sitting on the same side as Maci!

Will wanted to wear his buzz lightyear pjs just like Maci, however, his don't really fit anymore. They were super cute matching though!

Saturday day we were lazy and didn't do a whole lot throughout the day but nap! We went and got groceries around 6 or so (the first time we even thought about leaving the house) and decided to make it a movie night. Will rented the final Shrek movie and Brian and I got Dinner for Schmucks. Both were cute movies.

Sunday, the neighbor boy invited Will over for a drive. He got a motorized Jeep and came to pick Will up to play. Will and the neighbor kids played in their backyard while Brian and I cleaned up our yard. We then ate lunch outside and played some more just to enjoy the weather. Here are a few pictures of Will playing outside:

Like I said nice and relaxing with gorgeous weather...couldn't ask for more!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Beautiful Weather!

The weather has been getting nicer and nicer and today was gorgeous! All of the snow around our house has melted and I hope this is a sign that spring is right around the corner. Of course, I was inside all day with class and homework but decided to take advantage of the nice weather tonight after I picked Will up. We came home and got the dog and decided to go for a walk...I know...I am crazy! Champ gets a little excited when we are on walks so he basically pulled me while I pushed Will in the stroller. Will did decide to get out and walk/run half way through so then it was just Champ pulling me and an empty light weight stroller. And yes it was probably a funny sight to see! It was so good to be outside though. Too bad Brian had to work tonight but hopefully it will continue to stay nice so he can join us another night. Sorry no pictures from the walk. It took all I had to control the dog and Will = )

I got a few pictures tonight though so this post wasn't just all writing. After supper Will and I did puzzles and books. Here are a few pictures of one of the puzzles he was working on:
this is his "really mom?!" face


Working hard...

"I did it!"

Thought I would add a cute Will story too....the past couple days on the way home I have asked Will want he wanted for supper and of course he always says "mac n cheese". Well we haven't had any for a while which is odd I know, but I have to tell him that we are all out and that I need to buy some more. So tonight I told him that we were having mac-n-cheese for supper and he got really excited and said "yay, you buyed some!" Then Will asked if we could have hotdogs too which I had to reply that I did not buy hotdogs so no. Will made a sad face and said "oh bummer!". Guess I need to stock up on mac-n-cheese and hotdogs!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Just a quick post to say Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!

Yesterday Will and I got his valentines ready for his friends. He was excited to pick out the one he wanted for each friend and to write the names or really color and scribble on them! He did help by telling me the first letter for his friend's names and spelling out his name!

Picking out just the right one

Sealing them with the heart sticker

Will's gift from Brian and I

Our valentine gift from it!

Will had fun at his valentine's party at daycare. He was so excited to get the cards and treats from his friends. Will also loved the valentine cards and money (his favorite) from Grandma Barb, Grandma Linette and Papa Earl!!

These are the pretty flowers from my wonderful husband! He said next year he will try to go the store before 6pm on Valentine's Day because they were all picked over. I thought they were beautiful and daisies are my favorite so I loved them. Along with the beautiful flowers, my wonderful husband grilled me the last t-bone steak, which is huge if you know my husband and made all the side dishes and cleaned up! He is the best = )

I love both my valentine's very much! I was planning to get pictures of them like I did last year but both of my valentines are currently in bed sleeping so no pictures this year.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Please see below...

I am trying to update on past events and happenings so make sure you look below since the posts will be added in order of when they happened...that is of course if you are interested in staying up to date on the Schnabel happenings! (Click on the older posts to see additional added ones)

Snow Days

This past Tuesday and Wednesday we were blessed with snow days! Well I wouldn't actually say blessed but we did get lots of snow and did get to stay home so take it as you will. The snow fall was a record for the area with I believe around 16" and let me tell you it was a lot of snow. On Tuesday it started snowing at 9 in the morning and didn't stop until 9 at night.
View from the front windows around 5 or so.

Brian almost got up the drive way in his little truck. He informed me next year he will have a 4 wheel drive = )

Thankfully Brian did an awesome job scooping all the snow off the driveway so we had no troubles getting in and out on Wednesday!
Tuesday Will and I were pretty lazy. We played some, painted some and then took a 2 hour nap...perfect!!
Will painting

On Wednesday our neighbor was kind enough to invite Will over to play for a little while so I could run some errands and work some. And then after lunch the kids came over here to play so their mom could have some free time as well. Will loved played with the kids and let me tell you, I believe they played with every single toy in this house! Unfortunately no pictures. I thought about taking some but the kids didn't stay still for very long in order for me to get any pictures, which means they had a great time! I love that we have kids next door that Will can play with. Can't wait for warmer weather so they can play outside together again!

Weekend Trip and Birthdays

Last weekend Will and I headed back to Iowa to see family and for birthday fun! Thursday was mom's birthday and Saturday night was Miss Ella's 5th birthday party with her actual birthday being on Sunday. Will loves, loves, loves birthdays so he was super excited for both!!
I didn't get many pictures from the weekend...just a few from the party. Ella's theme was "rock star"!
Will playing with his microphone gift from Ella

Miss Ella opening presents. I can't believe she is 5 time flies!

Clarie let all the balloons go so the entertainment of the party was watching Erick jump up to get the them down. All the girls were chanting for him and yelling out the color of balloon they wanted. Very cute!

Then Uncle Trent came and "helped" Will get the balloons! They were the new heroes = )

Other than the party, Will played with his cousins, went swimming at the Y, played at Grandma's house, and played some more with his cousins! It was a great weekend and tons of fun. Will keeps asking when we are going back = ) I also got to see two great friends from high school, one on the way there and one on the way home. I love that they are both closer to home now so I get to see them more! It was a great weekend but as I always went way too quickly!