Wednesday, March 30, 2011

3 year check up

Will had his 3 year check up today. Can you believe he is already 3 years old?! I can't!! It went great and Will did awesome. He read books in the waiting room at a little table while we waited. And then was weighed and measured on the big scale. He is actually only in the 95 percentile longer off the charts! The nurse took down some information and then told me to have Will in his undies and wait for the doctor. Well apparently Will is a little modest out in public because he did not want the doctor to see his Toy Story undies and kept asking for his pants back = ) We made it through the check up with flying colors though. Then it was time for the booster shot but don't worry Will was super big with this too. He so badly wanted to cry but he was not going to let those nurses see him so he fought back the tears. Will was such a big boy and got a spiderman sticker when we were all done!

3 years - weight: 38lbs. and height: 3'4"

(sorry no pictures - I will try to post some pictures tonight though)

Toy Story 3 - Disney on Ice

A day after we returned from Iowa, Grandma Barb headed this way for the weekend. Friday we spent time shopping and hanging out and then on Saturday we took Will to see Toy Story Disney on Ice. It was so much fun. I don't know who was more excited...Will, me or my mom?! We had great seats, 5 rows from the ice.

Sunday, mom and I went to see the Princess Diana exhibit in KC. It was neat to see the outfits she wore, her stuff, and to hear about her life. And it was great to spend the time with my mom!! Sorry no pictures to share...but as always it was a great weekend and we were sad to say good-bye to Grandma!

Fun in Sheldon

Over my spring break week, Will and I headed back home to spend time with family. We got there Friday night and just hung out and then on Saturday went shopping with Jami and Claire. Sunday we went to Grandma Marienau's birthday party and got to spend more time with family, which was wonderful. The rest of the time, we relaxed at Grandma Barb's house. Oh and I cleaned out my closet from high was crazy all the stuff that was in there and was fun to look through the old pictures, notebooks and journals! Will also got to go swimming one night and play with Grandma while I met a good friend from high school to catch up. I didn't get many pictures but a few of Will and Claire on the day that we went shopping. They love playing together = )
Watching movies in Jami's car. Will insisted on wearing the headphones even though it was not needed and they were broken! He looked pretty cute in them though.

It was a great spring break! I love spending time with family = )

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

*I will post birthday stuff soon...the blog is taking forever to upload photos and I need to go to bed so I will get the pictures up soon!

Happy Birthday!

Our little boy turned 3 on Sunday, the 13th. Saturday family and friends joined us for a party at Jumping Jax. Will was so excited and had so much fun! Pretty sure that is all he has been talking about for the last month so we are a little sad that the day came and went quickly. Here are some pictures to share from his party:

Sleepy from all the excitement!

After the party, Will played with his cousins and the bubble toys they got from grandma Barb. Papa Earl put together his new grill too. Will loves it! It was sitting outside and Will said "I'll be right back...I need to go start the grill!" Just like his dad = )

Sunday after saying good-byes to family, Brian, Will and I celebrated his actual birthday with cake (that grandma bought but didn't get to enjoy with us because she had to go home early due to the weather...very sad!) and ice cream. Will loved that we sang to him again and of course loved blowing out his candles.

I think Will had a great birthday and we are already planning next years = ) Hope its as much fun! Thank you all for joining us and for the wonderful presents for Will! He loved them all and all of you!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

*This is an idea that I stole from another blog....only a picture with no explanation!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Week Recap

It has been a while since I have posted so thought I would give a quick recap of the past week. The Schnabels have been busy working, studying, and playing! Brian worked a couple nights this past week and I volunteered at a free clinic called JayDoc offering OT services one night and had study group the other night. So basically we both did the whole single parent thing throughout the week with Will. I am sure Will loved the one on one attention though.

One night I heard could hear Will busy at work in the playroom. When I went it to check on him this is what I found....he cleaned out the toy box so he could sit in it and read his books of course!

Thursday night before I left for study group...I got a few pictures of Will helping Daddy!

Friday night, I went bowling with some friends from school for a friend's birthday. We had a great time with lots of laughs! Saturday afternoon we all went to Maci's 3rd birthday party. Will was so excited to see her and even more excited for the party. He loved the balloons and the yummy cake.(I forgot my camera so no pictures from the party) Maci asked for donations to a charity for her birthday so Will along with my help made her a gift. For some reason I only took a picture of it on my phone and I can't get it to transfer to the computer so here is a picture of my phone with the picture...sorry I just thought it turned out cute and had to share.

Making a gift for Daddy with the dinosaur and star foam stickers

Saturday night, the Melvins invited us out for supper and then they came over to hang out some. We got to play music bingo at the restaurant, which was a ton of fun until I had to leave early...long story...let's just say I take after my mother = ) It was a great time though.
Will being silly...

Will was being silly playing basketball with Mike and Daddy. He put his Thomas jammy pants over his other ones...silly, silly!

Today, Will played some and helped Daddy in the yard while I did homework...not so much fun but I was super productive so that is good.

These pictures are not from this week but noticed that I hadn't posted them yet.
Learning to write his letters

We have another busy week and weekend ahead us. Saturday is Will's birthday party and Sunday is his actual birthday so I am sure I will have lots to post then! Also, I may try to add a few short post throughout the weeks...some ideas that I am stealing from other blogs. So more to come. Hope everyone had a great weekend and here's to a great week!!