Friday, February 26, 2010

Picture Post

When completing the last blog, I realized there were some pictures that I haven't posted yet. So here you go...
Will loves to put puzzles together and has mastered this one in the last week. He is working hard on it while patiently waiting for supper.

Last Tuesday, Melvins had us over again for a yummy meal and great company. And Will and Maci, of course, had a great time playing as always.

Will and the guys checking out the computer!

And going way back...I had a Monday off a couple weeks ago so Will and I headed to the mall to play. We also shared a pretzel after all of the playing. Will did great sitting with me and then doing some shopping. And I know I say this all the time but I can't believe how big and old he is getting. The time goes so fast but he is at such a fun age right now...I love it!

And just doing a little reading in his room.

Okay, sorry for the random post but I wanted to share these pictures.

It's so close...

It being Spring! We definitely can't wait for warmer weather and today gave us a little hope. It was above freezing and the sun was shining so Will and I played outside some once we got home. Will got to do his favorite thing outside...sidewalk chalk! He watched the trains and looked for airplanes in the sky as well. Will also found "daddy's house" once again. Years ago Brian made a bird house and it has been hanging in our front tree since. A few months ago, I showed it to Will and of course, he remembered right where it was today. There is a bunch of stuff in the hole of the house and I was thinking there was no way a bird could fit in there so I gave it a little shake and much to our surprise a little bird flew out at us! Will thought it was pretty funny as we both jumped away!! Brian informed us later that of course birds could fit in that size of hole....who would have thought...not me obviously!! A few pictures from our fun outside:
Sidewalk Chalk

Playing in the little snow that we have left. Yay it is almost gone!!

"Daddy's House" - Will said "daddy's house cheese" as I was taking this picture = )

After playing outside, we did a quick bath and put pjs on. Will just relaxing watching Sesame Street (of course)

And to top of the almost spring day, Brian grilled steaks for supper....yummy!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

A Fun Saturday!

On Saturday, Will and I met my mom, sister, and nieces in Omaha for a quick weekend trip. Will was so excited to see everyone! We met at Perkins and as soon as he saw grandma and Ella, his hands were flapping and he screamed "hi Ella and grandma!" across the room!! We stayed at a hotel with a water park attached. The water park had a zero depth entry and of course, Will loved it! Claire and Ella even helped Will go down the slide = ) I think everyone had a great time and we can't wait to do it again. Unfortunately, the trip was cut short due to the weather...I can't wait for warmer weather...but it was a great time.
Here are a few pictures of our little swimmers:

As always, Will had so much fun playing with his cousins, grandma and aunt in the pool and in the hotel room!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The reason I never get homework done...

So I attempted to work on some homework before Will went to bed tonight and I quickly remembered why I don't do that. I was sitting at the kitchen table and of course he wanted to sit with me. He did sit on my lap for a little while and read my OT book while I typed my paper but then got a little bored, so we decided to make a video or multiple videos. Will was being pretty silly!

And since I so rudely sang along during the spider song, I decided have him sing it again.

Will makes me smile more and more every day! Love you Will!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

We were pretty lazy throughout the day today but we did manage to get out for supper for Valentine's Day. We were planning on going to Fritz's for supper so Will could see the trains but the roads were getting yucky so we stayed close to home. We ended up at Five Guys and Fries (not very romantic but very much us!) instead, which was also a good choice. Will was such a big boy too. He sat so nicely at the table and ate all of his grilled cheese grown up! I still can't believe he is going to be 2 next went so fast!

On Friday, Will got a Valentine's package in the mail from Grandma Barb and Papa Jeff. He got a book, suckers and silly socks! One pair of socks had a monster from the Monsters Inc. movie and the other pair had Dash from the Incredibles movie. I called them silly socks when he first opened them so Will kept calling them that too and wanted to wear them right away. He put one pair on his feet and the other pair on his hands! Silly kid = ) And as soon as Brian came home, he ran up and said "silly socks dad!" Thanks so much Grandma and Papa!! Sorry no pictures of the socks...I can barely get the kid to slow down long enough to get a picture of him there is no way I can get him to stop for me to take a picture of his feet!

Brian and Will got me flowers and a big cookie for Valentine's Day. Will was super cute handing me the flowers too. Again, can't believe how fast he is growing.

My two Valentines!

The beautiful flowers....daisies are my favorite!

And cookie cake

And Will enjoying a piece of the cookie cake!

Brian and I rented Couples Retreat tonight after Will went to bed, which was a cute movie and a good way to end Valentine's day. Not only am I blessed with great friends but also with a great husband and son! We had a fabulous day today. Hope you all did too. Happy Valentine's Day!

Saturday Night Fun

Last night we went over to the Melvin's for supper and fun. Brook made some yummy chicken enchiladas (my recipe just a little modified or maybe a lot modified but still very yummy) and then we played a little poker after Will went to sleep. Of course, I didn't last long so Mike and I rocked out on the guitars. Then I did a little butt kicking in sword fighting against Mike and Sean. My arms seriously hurt was a little intense! Just a few pictures of the night to share. Sorry no pictures of Will. He went to bed before I broke out the camera. However, he did have fun playing with the new toys at Brook and Mike's before bedtime.

Rocking out!

The last two standing...Brian did pull out the win though! Yay...way to go Brian!!

It was a great night. We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends in our lives. Love you guys!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Valentine's Day

So I know Will may be a little young for making Valentine's Day cards but he is having a party at daycare tomorrow so I thought I would give it a try. Turns out it was a lot of fun. Will loved coloring on the valentines and would say done and another one when he was finished coloring. Here are pictures to share and hopefully there will be some from the party if I can make it there on time.

Moved on to colorbook and stickers...

Now moved on to putting stickers on himself!

All in all it was a great time!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Super Bowl 2010

Super Bowl was a great time with great friends. We went over to the Latta's to watch the big game and commericals! Will and Maci had a fun time playing. And of course, Brian had a good time making ridiculous beats...such as the next ball will be passed to a player with an even numbered jersey = ) Not sure how we came out on the beats but think it was pretty even. Here are a few pictures from the day:

Today I was hoping for a snow such luck! We got snow but not enough to cancel school just enough to be annoying. I did however get the day off due to being sick with a headache and stomach yuckiness! Brian and Will played most of the day and I slept! Now Will and I are relaxing on the couch watching Sesame Street while Brian is out cleaning his garage. Nothing to exciting planned for the week or weekend but hopefully I will have enough of something to post = )

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Catching Up...

Sorry that I haven't posted anything in a couple of weeks. The Schnabels have been pretty busy! Last weekend we headed back to Iowa for Miss Ella's 4th birthday party. We had so much fun. Will loves to play with his cousins and see everyone. On the way there I was asking him who we were going to see and he said, "Ella, Claire-bear, Papa, Grandma, Jami and Erick!" It was really cute. The party was a Hannah Montana party and was a big hit. It was super cute to see the girls dancing around and putting on their make-up. Made me think that I hope my second child is a girl although the boys there were cute too. The one little boy loved to beat, and I mean beat, the pinata with the bat until there was nothing left!! Guess that is what I get to look forward too = ) After cupcakes and ice cream, we all went swimming. I got Will a new life jacket and with the pool only being 3 feet deep, he loved swimming around by himself! Sorry I don't have any pictures from need to see me in a suit but hopefully next time we can get some of Will swimming around.
Here are a few pictures from the party:

My little Hannah Montana rock star nieces! Love and miss them so much!!!

We had so much fun and can't wait to see everyone again. Yesterday I asked Will who was going to come to his birthday party and he said, "Ella and Claire-bear!" He is excited to see his cousins and play some more!!
Last week was more work and daycare. Tuesday night we had friends over for pizza and Will and Maci got to play. As always they had lots of fun and laughs.
Last night I went out for dinner with some friends from school. It was great to catch up and to hear about everyone's fieldwork experiences. Lots of laughs there too!! Brian and Will hung out and played the Wii while I was gone and I am told that they had a good night too.
Today we are headed to a friend's house for the big game. I am going to try to remember my camera to get some more pictures of Will and Maci playing so I will post those a little later.
And to end with more pictures of Mr. William. This is cute sensory activity that I learned from work...blowing bubbles in a tub. Will loved it and of course made a huge mess with it but it was fun!

ooohhhh and while uploading these pictures I remembered that Will wanted me to take a picture of EE the other day. So here is a picture of the famous EE!