Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pretty Mommy

On Sunday night we were over at the Melvin's and Brook and I were trying on dresses trying to decide what to wear for a wedding that we have coming up on Saturday. Will came into the room and I asked him if I looked pretty. He got all shy and was smiling but being very bashful. Brook said you don't see mommy in a dress too often do you? Will replied with "Brook pretty!"

Tonight I was getting ready to go to volleyball and was wearing gym shorts, my hot pink vb shirt and had my hair pulled back in a pony. Will said "Pretty Mommy!" I guess he understands my style = )

On a side note, we won all three games tonight which is a first for us! Way to go Sandy Beaches!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Fun Times

So a double post tonight...1. because I am so far behind and 2. because I realized there were some pictures on my camera that I haven't shared yet.

A couple weeks ago, the Lattas came over for a bbq (one of our favorite past times!) and as always Maci and Will had lots of fun. That night though we gave them a bath together and snapped a few pictures = )

Don't worry nothing funny was going on in the water....it was color tablets that turned the water that orangeish color = )

Attempting to get a picture of Will and Maci hugging and kissing good bye!

Last Friday Will and I spent the day together running erands. While at the store, Will spotted this bird house and I thought it would be a fun afternoon activity to paint it. Will liked it but didn't have as much fun as I was picturing in my head. As you can tell by the pictures, I think he was just trying to humor me! It turned out neat though and he was excited to show it to Brian.

Oh and Will got his hair cut on Friday morning so it is fresh in the pictures. He was super big for that too. Usually he cries but he sat really nicely and even smiled a few times while getting it cut. I am sure it helped that I told him he could have a sucker if he sat nicely and didn't cry = ) whatever works, right?!

Getting So Big

Will is growing up way too fast and I don't know if I am ready for it. Here is a perfect example: Tonight after bath and getting pjs on, I told him to say good night to daddy while I looked for EE. Will gave Brian a hug and then said "thank you Mom" when I handed him EE. I told him to get two books to read in bed. He picked out 2 and then got into bed. I then said time for pray and he folded his little hands and waited while I said the prayer. Just as I was finishing Will said "Amen". He then pulled his blanket over him and got ready to read and said "bye Mom". I said "good night Will. I love you" and Will said "hug", gave me a hug and kiss and then said "night"!!
So I know it seems so small but to me, my baby is getting so big. He knows so much and really is such a sweet little boy. Don't get me wrong...he does have his 2 year old tantrums every now and then but that comes with the frustration of being a 2 year old. Anyways, I just thought I would share how sweet my little boy is and how fast he is growing!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


We had a bittersweet return to South Dakota on Friday and Saturday. It was good to reunite with family but on a very sad occassion. Brian's aunt Lori passed away on Wednesday after a two month courageous battle with cancer. Lori was a great wife, mother, grandmother, sister and aunt all in one and she will be missed dearly!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Fun Outing

This morning Will was the only kid besides the sitter's kids at daycare so she decided to take an outing to Deanna Rose Farm. Since I didn't have class and was already putting off my homework I went along. We haven't been since last year so it was neat to see all the additions and since Will is a year old, he really got into it. He was feeding the goats and ducks and loved petting the cows!

The kids loved playing at the playground. Mikayla was saying "look at me mom!" and Will would repeat her...it was really cute!

Feeding the goats....he thought it was funny how quickly they came up to him!

Will bottle feeding the goats! He kept giggling because the goats were trying to pull the bottle away and he had to use two hands.

Playing at the dairy barn....his allergies were acting up big time but he still had a lot of fun.

We enjoyed a picnic lunch of PB&J sandwiches and then headed home. It was a great time! Can't wait to go back!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Cute Will story

So Will has been requesting to sing the ABC song and the Hokey Pokey song in the car, which if you have been with us in the past month you are well aware of this! He is getting really good at his ABCs and is super cute when singing it and listening to him sing the hokey pokey is pretty cute too. When he gets done I usually say "Good Job Will!". About a week ago Will started to say "good job Will" when he finished singing! Last night, when we went for ice cream, Brian and I were singing along to the music and all of a sudden Will goes "good job mommy!", "good job daddy!" = ) It was super cute!! I love how big he is getting and how much he is talking!

And speaking of getting big...I forgot to post his update from his 2 year appointment that he had last week. He is now 37 1/4" tall (still off the charts) and 34lbs!! Like I said...big boy!

Another great weekend...

This past weekend was another great one. Friday night we went to the Latta's home for a bbq and to hang out. The weather was great and it was very relaxing hanging out on the deck. Will had a great time playing with Maci! They get along so well...it is so fun to watch them play together.
Saturday Will and I went to the Great Mall for a little shopping, playing and of course, soft pretzels! I love the time I get to spend with him and it has become a little tradition to have a pretzel and then a little playtime. Saturday afternoon, Brian and I went to the Boston/KC game with Ross and Katie. We had lots of fun tailgating and hanging out and even better that the Red Sox won!! While we were at the game, the kids got to hang out with Brook and it sounds like they had a lot of fun too. Thanks Brook for watching them!

Sunday, I went to a welcome back bbq with my classmates. Again...great company, weather and very relaxing. Afterwards, Brian, Will and I headed out for ice cream, which was great family time together.
Tonight we got out the water table for Will to play in while Brian bbq supper (we really like bbqs = )

Monday, April 5, 2010

Busy, Busy....Will's B-day party and more!

We have been super busy over the last couple of weeks, so there is a lot to catch up on. Since my last post, Brian and I have been getting the house ready for our families to come for the weekend. I painted the spare room and hallway and Brian painted his deck. And we both did a lot of cleaning!
On top of all the house stuff, I was finishing up my last two weeks of fieldwork. This past Friday was my last day there.....it was bittersweet. It feels great to be done and I got a great review, which is always good, but I will miss the kids and people that work there. It really was a great place. I am hoping to volunteer there some in the future if my schedule allows for that.
So that stuff is all pretty boring....on to the fun stuff! On Friday, our families came down to stay for the weekend for Will's 2nd birthday party and Easter. Friday we did some shopping and then grilled for supper. On Saturday, we headed to Antioch Park for Will's party. We had pizza, cupcakes and ice cream, a pinata and lots of fun! The pinata was a little bit of a dud....guess not all kids are as tall as my gaint but I think all in all it was a lot of fun for the kids. After the party we headed up to the park and played some. Then back home for more playing in the backyard. Thankfully, the weather held out and it was nice and sunny. Saturday night Will spent the night with Papa and Grandma at the hotel, while Brian, Jen (Brian's sister) and I went out for a few drinks with friends, which was a great time! Sunday we went to church and then came home for an Easter egg hunt. Will had so much fun finding all the eggs and yelling out the colors! Then the saddest part of the whole weekend...we had to say good bye to our families. Everyone headed home and we headed to bed for a nap!! It was a fun but busy, busy weekend. We miss everyone so much and hope that they can come back to visit soon.

Monday and Tuesday this week, Will and I hung out since I didn't have class and no job yet! Then poor Will got sick on Tuesday night. He had a temp all day yesterday and a low grade one today and let me tell you...he is a crabby boy! Thankfully he is taking a super long nap today (going on over 3 hours now) so hopefully he will wake up happy and full of energy so we can get out of the house for a bit.

So that was a quick recap of the last couple of weeks and days. I am hoping to get back into the habit of posting on here and especially add more pictures!

Here are a few pictures that I have of the past weekend:

Will got a big boy bed and bedding from my parents. My dad built the headboard and it turned out great! Will loves sleeping in his bed and is doing pretty well in it. He hasn't gotten out during the early morning hours so that is a bonus!

Will's friend Maci gave him a gardening kit and Will and I planted tomatoes the other night. We will have to see if they actually grow!!

He also got a helmet and new bike, which he loves! He often wears the helmet and pads around the house...too cute!